Big changes have occurred, and "what's going on?" you ask? "You come back and now you're married? You have new titles? What does this mean? A new baby?! A new home?" If you're as confused as I am, well we are in the same boat, but that's's a dance, ♪ sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow...♫ (lol@ corniness) Ok Let's BREAK it dooowwnn:
- I got married to the LOVE of my life, my Waggleton*, at a gorgeously pink wedding, to a gorgeously handsome man :) {his pic below!} The day went by SO fast, but every moment was cherrished and spent with loved ones! L-O-V-E--ing married life <3

- As a result of being a married woman and upholding tradition, I know have a new last name, and am still practicing shedding my old surname (and practicing writing my new Mrs. name just like us girls did in our early years, but this time for real! a real Mrs. Waggleton cursive name to practice, which is taking some getting used to and practiced!)

- I did my famous wife chop, and I am happy to report that it has been liberating and fabulous. I ended up chopping a bit more than I wanted to but I was happy to shed a few more inches for it to be donated to a child (or 5 with my thick lion-locks) rather than have the "safe" length I wanted and have it all be sucked away through the wall-suckie-vent-thing at Aveda (way cool by the way, makes me want a system like this in my future dream home some day) {{...speaking of dream homes...}}

- Or semi-dream home... ok maybe Quasi-dream home... Waggletots McSnuggleton has been hired at a regional airline as an F. O. (first officer... sits next to the Captain, O' Captain, in the cockpit) and we have been based in Chicago! That is a whole new state move for us! Across 2 states! We are in the process now of almost signing the lease for a condo that is also for sale but we will be renting it, with the intention to buy it once we can increase our income from negative numbers. Chi-town is a wee bit more expensive... for less square footage we will be paying double our rent now (boo... doesn't help in the negative-numbers-for-income bit) SOOOO I say Quasi-dream home, because it is the best "dream-home" we are able to afford, and I am actually pretty stoked about a few things::
Black granite WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE (I am a super pyrotechnic if you know me, I am completely mesmerized by all fire, but ESPECIALLY wood burning fireplaces within someone's home..and now we will have one...I probably will just pull our bed out into the living room and permanently plop myself in front of the fire)Gorgeous granite kitchen, with GARBAGE DISPOSAL! (missed that, fo real), track lighting, and a tall in-wall-pantry thing... AND A BREAKFAST BAR! They are the next best thing to an eat-in island in my real dream kitch!Bay-window in the bedroom! (Stellar!)- Walk-in Closet! (Double Stellar!)
- Fitness Center & Pool on grounds (Triple Super Stellar!) Ima B gettin' mah fitness & tan on, HOLLA!
- A {hopefully} quiet and respectful neighborhood with decent neighbors! (we are told the neighbors above us are sweethearts! yay! We have had our share of truly horrid neighbors & neighbuhrhoodz)
- To start a new life together in a new home!
- New Baby? NEW BABY?!
- Yes, which creates a new addition to my title as Mrs.! I am now the estaticly proud Auntie to the sweetest little peanut! I cannot get enough of her! She is such a perfectly sweet baby and I really miss her when I am not cuddling her swaddled little self! I really don't even know how we lived without her, she is so precious! I have never been so baby crazy in my life! I am SO glad that we will be moving within 2-ish hours of our little niece instead of the 6 hours it used to take! I wish I could follow her around and take pictures of all her firsts (and then go edit them forever, because I cannot get enough of her!)!
- My new favorite place is anywhere holding lil' Charlotte with my Swagger-Wagon by my side, I LOVE her so much! She is such an Angel, I wish we could see her everyday... <3
So life has been pretty busy, crazy with a roller-coaster that holds no maximum range of emotions, it has been crazy!
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